Thursday, April 9, 2009

Project Human Resources Management PMP Sample Questions

Project Human Resources Management PMP Sample Questions

Question No :1
Project Human Resource Management processes include :
1. Human Resource Planning
2. Develop Project Team
3. Manage Project Team
4. All of the above
correct is :4
Explanations :
Project Human Resource Management processes include :
Human Resource Planning .
Acquire Project Team .
Develop Project Team .
Manage Project Team.

Question No :2
Leading, communicating, negotiating and problem solving are examples of _________
management skills.
1. Project
2. Senior
3. General
4. HR
correct is :3
Explanations :
General skills that any type of manager will need to use in order to perform successfully for the organization.

Question No :3
A reporting to a manager is an example of ______ relationship.
1. formal
2. Informal
3. Simple
4. None of the above
correct is :1
Explanations :
A reporting relationship is a formal relationship that is designed by the organization.

Question No :4
The list of people needed for the project team is part of __________.
1. WBS
2. Organizational charts
3. Human resource planning
4. All of the above
correct is :3
Explanations :
Human resource planning is the area where required people are identified.

Question No :5
The OBS(Organization Breakdown Structure), WBS, and RBS(Resource Breakdown Structure)
are all examples of ________.
1. Control charts
2. Hierarchical charts
3. Project standard
4. None
correct is :2
Explanations :
The OBS(Organization Breakdown Structure), WBS, and RBS(Resource Breakdown Structure)
are all examples of Hierarchical charts.

Question No :6
_________ shows departments or units of the organization and is not organized the deliverables.
1. OBS
2. WBS
3. RBS
4. None
correct is :1
Explanations :
OBS(Organization Breakdown Structure) shows departments or units of the organization and is not organized the deliverables.
OBS(Organization Breakdown Structure) shows the organization's units and departments as a top-down graph.

Question No :7
Which hierarchical chart that shows resources ?.
1. RBS
2. OBS
3. WBS
4. XYZ
correct is :1
Explanations :
The Resource Breakdown Structure details the various resources, both human and mechanical needed for project.

Question No :8
The tools and techniques used in acquiring the project team include:
1. pre-assignment
2. negotiation
3. acquisition
4. All of the above
correct is :4
Explanations :
The tools and techniques used in acquiring the project team include pre-assignment, negotiation, acquisition, and virtual teams.
Pre-Assignment: Staff have been assigned because they were promised in the proposal or were defined in the project charter (e.g. internal projects).
Negotiations : With Functional Managers or other project management teams; to ensure receiving needed resources when required.
Acquisition : When the performing organization lacks the in house staff needed to complete the project, the required services can be acquired from outside sources.
Virtual Teams: Virtual teams can be defined as groups of people with a shared goal, who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face.

Question No :9
Includes all activities designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the project team is called ______.
1. Training
2. Ground Rules
3. Reward and recognition systems
4. None
correct is :1
Explanations :
Training : Includes all activities designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the project team.
Ground Rules: Ground rules establish clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by project team members.

Question No :10
The first way to solve a conflict between team members is __________.
1. Team members work it out.
2. Sponsor work it out.
3. Project manager work it out.
4. Top management work it out.
correct is :1
Explanations :
let the people involved in the conflict work it out first.

Question No :11
The issues log should be _______.
1. Written down
2. Informal
3. Short
4. Simple
correct is :1
Explanations :
The issues log should be Written down.


  1. These group of questions are really useful in our study for the PMP Certification Exam.

    Thanks for sharing! Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the post



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